
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life is an Adventure

Plan only on asking, "What should I do today?"

Some days you you may feel guided and uplifted by angels. Some days you question. Some days, pain that you suffered comes into the forefront of your consciousness and it dims the quality of your day.

You might then make a wish. You may wish to choose to change the story of your life. When you do this, always pick with wisdom. Invite wisdom for a bite to eat. Bring in the wisdom. Sit outside and ask not, “Which way do I turn,” but ask, “What is it that will help me to be in harmony with the Divine.”

Perhaps the answer is not anywhere in your mind. I tell you child, I tell you from my heart, that being in flow with Divine creativity is an adventure. If you try to keep moving in a direction that you have ascertained would be advantageous or best for you, is most likely not. But if you ask each day for the wind to tell you the direction you should go; if you ask each day for your heart to lead you; you will be taken care of, nourished. And you will thrive. Bless you and may your heart always be open to the wonders that each day brings.

Monday, October 25, 2010

In Serenity All is Forgiven

"I have a habit of getting my knickers in a knot about failing or goofing up. I was feeling done in one day and they gave us this wonderful message!"

Look to what you did before you fell from grace, and ask for strength to carry on a little longer, to stretch the time between bad decisions. Recognize what you learned, and above all let go of miss-steps. No one is without sin in this matter. We all miss-step. The real sin is holding on to the pain of the mistake. Let it go. A mistake was made. We are fallible. Try harder next time. Do not freeze in time and space. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes help you to grow. Fill yourself with love. Be serene. In serenity all is forgiven.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Wisdom Center

"This teaching came from a powerful source of light and we have recorded it exactly as it was stated."

Humans have been built with the desire to do. If you did not have this desire to do, you would not learn. If you did not learn, you would not discover love. And you would not forever be moving towards an understanding of the total love of my Father. So we understand your desire to stop the pain that you see. To stop what you perceive as the craziness of this earth. And yes, you can do something. You can send prayer. You can with all your heart, surround those in conflict with wisdom, because it is wisdom that allows you
to learn. It is learning that allows you to love. Do not send peace because peace takes away the lesson. Touch the forehead and what you call the third eye, and say, “I activate with all my heart, your wisdom center.” You can do it to your grandchildren, you can do it to your beloved companion, you can do it to yourself. You can do it to anyone. You can do it to all animals. You do not have to touch people physically with your hand. You can touch them with your mind. You have so much ability to see each other. You can look at television and movies that gives you a representation. When you do healings, you will often do surrogate healings where one person embodies the energy of another. You can use the images as surrogates to send the energy to the real people. You can use images in magazines to send the energy. You can send the energy to your world leaders. This sending of the wisdom energy is one of the most important tasks that’s ever been given to any person who has helped in bringing us closer to the Divine. This is my gift to you.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Flower of Peace

"We are often angry and feel the world is unjust. The angels have a balm for our souls!"

I give each of you a flower. Close your eyes and picture the most beautiful flower that your mind can imagine. This flower is my gift of peace. Not world peace. But, inner peace. When you are buffeted by turmoil; when it feels as if there is too much to do; when the anger rises out of you and you want to over throw governments; punish those who do wrong; when you wish to change the world and that feeling rises up inside of you so strong; think of the flower and take a breath and it will help center you. Say these words, “I’m a child of the Divine. As such, I embody the purest love in the universe. Let that love come forward.” And it will.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Healing Energy

"Archangel Jophiel told us about this special energy when we asked how he was able to maintain his optimism."

It is an energy that we angels use to sustain us, to help us. You too can receive it at night or in the day. You just need to ask. It is the ultra-orange energy of creation. It is the beginning and the end. It is the all that is. It is there for each individual, for each animal. Call it by name; you call it on your planet the Holy Spirit. Each of your nations calls it differently. But it is there for you. Your heart will tell you the name it has for you. But it is alright to just move your arms away from your body and tilt your face towards the sky and say, “I call on the healing energy to sooth every part of my being all the way back to the beginning of time and all the way forward to my merging with creation. Thank you.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"What does the future hold for me? What am I to do?"

“I am loved,” is the key. Put your hand on your heart. Say, “I am loved.” Know it. Feel it. Breathe it. And your heart will speak to you about your destiny.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Practice of Peace

"We asked how to be peacefuland this is the answer we were given!"

When you put a flower on your table or altar you open up different realms. Flowers often act as portals between dimensions. Their beauty and the intense life force that they carry, the potential of a seed is much like the beauty you see in a pregnant woman. Having a flower on your table or altar and allowing yourself to vibrate with its energy is one of the best ways to begin and end the day.

It does not require worry about how to be with the flower. It just requires sitting quietly, stilling your mind and concentrating on your breath. Sit, in this way, breathing with the flower quietly for a small amount of time, twenty minutes, half an hour, maybe ten minutes. You must struggle to incorporate this practice into your daily schedule so that your actual physical body gets used to yearning for the peace that the practice brings.

Your spiritual practice will soon be taking place every second of every day, without thought.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spiritual Practices, "The Golden Orb"

"We are not alone. The beautiful spirits, angels and helpers will not let you drown in a sea of despair!"

Imagine a beautiful golden, glowing ball in front of you. If you hold it on top of your head, it will melt through your head and down your throat and into your body. Each energy center that it touches it will activate, cleanse, change. And then birth it back out again. Hold it in your hands and put it away until the next time. It is the gift of supreme healing. Each of you always has a golden orb. Each of you, when you are incarnated are given this tool for healing. You can also use it for others. Use it often.

Monday, October 18, 2010


“The practice of love and the daily sharing of love is the only commandment you need in order to embrace the Divine.”

Please understand, God, the Divine you speak of, has given us no other law except that of love. And anything that is contrary to love comes from the mind of man. I know this will be unpopular. But I also know that you know the truth of it. There is one commandment. There is one tenet. There is one belief. There is one way to find salvation. And that is to love. And the practice of love and the daily sharing of love is the only commandment you need in order to embrace the Divine. All else is irrelevant.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Child’s Prayer

"We are all children of God!"

Shine down your light upon me.
Shine it down on my mother and my father,
On all those from whom I came,
As well as all those who will come into my life.
And dear God, shine the light in my heart
So I never become lost. Amen.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Earth Changes

"Change is inevitable but it can be a sweet breath as well as a storm."

Help us. Help us to navigate the changes that happen to our mother. Help us to send harmonic energy into the universe so that her changes are gradual and easy instead of cataclysmic.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Prayer of Responsibility

"We do indeed create our own reality. What do you want the world your children inherit to look like"?

“Mother Earth, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I was greedy. I wanted to go from here to there and not pay a price. I wanted to have heat and didn’t want to pay for research that would bring me affordable heat. I thought your resources were never ending. I thought, when the oil is gone, it won’t be my problem. In my lifetime I will not have this lack. And when I die, I will forget it and not care.

Please forgive me. I love you, and I am willing to take responsibility. I am willing to do anything that I can to rectify this problem within myself. I thank you in advance for accepting my apology.”

“If each individual on earth could say this prayer with sincerity, the world would change, would it not. The problem of ecology does not lie with big corporations. The problem is in your own house; a problem in your life, your small life. What if instead of judging, you were to say, “For any part I play in this situation, please forgive me. I’m so sorry because I yearn for harmony as much as I’m sure you do. Thank you.”

It is my hope that you can understand this. Not with your mind, but with your heart. Because in understanding this you cross over into wisdom, compassion, love, and joy and laughter, and the song of the flowers and their sweet smell will touch your heart because there will be no barriers.”

The Huna Prayer for Healing: “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun, Earth, Moon

"When we share our love with the Earth the Sun and the Moon we sing a song that harmonizes with the Universe."

I love you Father Sun. I love you Mother Earth. I send, to you both, my heartfelt hope for harmony. I surround myself with your love, with light, and joy. And I send it back to both of you two fold. And Grandmother Moon, I love you too, and the surrounding planets and stars. I surround all of you with my love. Thank you for holding the universe for me.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Archangel’s Prayer

Archangel Josephiel is with us always.

I, Archangel Jophiel, pray for wisdom, for strength for myself and for you. I pray that each of us hears what our hearts desire, hears what is next in line for us on our journey. I pray that we all discover our soul path and become part of the harmony of the universe.

“As you say this, I will say it with you.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

People of Different Religions

We are all brothers and sisters in the vastness of creation.

Together we breathe as one; blowing our breath into the universe; moving our breath around the world together; and on our breath the smell of lotus flowers. Amen.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Change the World

“A simple prayer, to be said by a few people, can change the world.”
Father, Mother, Son, the All That Is and ever will be, we ask you to restore balance to our hearts. We ask you to restore balance to our souls. We yearn to reach out our arms to you, to embrace you, and to be forever in the vibration of love with each other and with the Divine. Amen.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Morning Sun

When one starts the day with humility....wishes are granted!

Good morning sun. Good morning soul of sun. My soul reaches out to you. I am in harmony with your vibration. Thank you. Thank you for being in my world. If there is anything I can do for you sun, just let me know. I so small, so tiny in your galaxy, in your solar system. But I have a heart like a lion and a soul as big as yours. We are one, you and I sun. I love you. Thank you. Amen.

Mother Help Me

The Goddess is always there for her children whether you call her Shiva or Blessed Mother she is the source!

“You need only to put out your hand and say,”

Mother help me. Mother, take away my pain. Show me the correct way. Give me strength.

“And I will be there for you.”

Saturday, October 9, 2010

See the Purity of Soul

When someone 'sees' your pure soul you are exposed as a child of God!

My sister, my brother, I hold you in my heart as new babes. I can see through all the karma you’ve collected, through all your lifetimes, the purity of your soul. And in seeing the purity of your soul, I heal you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Still Yourself

"We were afraid of 2012 and we were told to fear only ourselves."

You need to be fearful of your own ignorance. You need to be fearful of your own behavior. When you fall into despair, you fall out of the light. When you engage in what you call, “co-dependency”, you become so engaged in your looping thoughts that you no longer hear the messages of the angels. You no longer listen to the wisdom that’s available to you. To fix this problem try for one hour a day to still yourself. Be peaceful with yourself. Still yourself with prayer. Still yourself by concentrating on one thing, concentrate on the love of the Divine Mother, on the heavenly music that’s in the universe. If you devote just that one hour or even one minute a day to that endeavor, all good things in the universe will open up to you.

Open the Doorway

"We do not need to dream of doing great things, we just need to do one small thing a day and great things will happen!"

When you are still, just contemplate your heart energy. The door, that for you has been closed, will open. It all begins with just simply contemplating your heart. Move into that heart realm, ask that it be illuminated, and ask that it blossom. Ask to find the core. It takes courage and dedication. A practice that is simple to do, but difficult to stick with when your mind is addicted to action.

The benefits include long life and better health for you. There is also a benefit for your loved ones. They too will begin to heal, as will your animals, the wild life around you, and the people in your neighborhood. Make this simple work a priority and you will make your world a better place!

Bless the Water

"Water is life. Let us not forget this fact."

Let light go out into the world; to every drop of water, every molecule of the oceans, the lakes, the reservoirs, the creeks, the glaciers, water which is polluted, as well as the water which is clean. Every molecular of water on the planet, we bless it now. We bless it forever. We also bless all the water that is in our bodies and bring the light into it.

Veronica's Prayer

"Veronica is a beautiful soul who feels the energy of the world. Here is her answer to the darkness that often engulfs us."

“Did you know sometimes there is dark energy? It’s hard to explain. But it is as if beings, people, animals who have been injured or hurt, they have a storm around them that follows them even onto the other side.”
“Is there a prayer we can use to get rid of the storm?”
“Oh yes. There is one that I say all the time.”

Dearest angel, part the curtain of darkness and allow your light to shine through. Have your light penetrate every corner of my universe. And when it does, help it to be so strong that it chases away despair, worry, anxiety, fear. Help it to be so strong that nothing that is harmful can stand in its path. Thank you.