
Friday, July 15, 2011

John of God in Brazil

Dear Readers, I need your help! Please read the attached blog and send me your thoughts then pass on the link. The material is controversial and emotionally charged so get yourself a cup of tea, take a calming breath and get ready for the ride!

The material you will be reading is about John of God in Brazil. As many of you know I have been a tour guide to the Casa (John of God's healing place) for many years and have had numerous life changing experiences at the Casa. Here is my take on the material...

Is Joao (John)highly charged sexually? Yes. Has he taken advantage of his position as a healer to seduce women and girls into allowing him to take sexual liberties? Yes.
Healing and sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same. It takes great personal strength for a healer to use one and put the other aside. Even good, kind people can be corrupted by the strength of this energy. It is up to you as a spiritual explorer to develop the life skills to not lose yourself in the energy of a healer and to protect teach those who do not have those skills!

Is the Casa an instrument of financial gain for Joao? No
I know for a fact that Joao does not care about the money the Casa brings in outside of the enormous cost of running such a large enterprise. Once as a tour guide, I handed him $10,000 cash (donations from a large tour) and 5 minutes later I saw a ragged nun leave his office, tears streaming down her face, with the whole wad of cash!

Are there any "safe" "holy" places in the world? No
You are only as safe as your own poise and discretion can allow.

Is the healing at the Casa a fraud? No
The Casa is a hospital that turns no one away! Thieves, con artists, perverts, the mentally ill, delusional people, stubborn people, egotistical people and people with all physical illness are treated. Everything is real, nothing is real. God is so loving he allows us the freedom to explore ourselves and our world in any fashion we choose, and always there is the opportunity to heal!

What would I wish for...
I wish for every person in the world to have an adventure, a pilgrimage, a sacred journey. I wish that people would be strong, know themselves, stay in their bodies and make wise choices about their journeys. I wish that people would have the courage to tell the truth to each other and their children without embroidering it with emotional detail. I wish for all people to draw wisdom from experience rather then expression. I wish for people to not abdicate their human rights for the illusion of safety. I wish for people to be so wise that they can experience life without the need for laws or government.

Read the attached and share your thoughts, you are valued!!