
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life is an Adventure

Plan only on asking, "What should I do today?"

Some days you you may feel guided and uplifted by angels. Some days you question. Some days, pain that you suffered comes into the forefront of your consciousness and it dims the quality of your day.

You might then make a wish. You may wish to choose to change the story of your life. When you do this, always pick with wisdom. Invite wisdom for a bite to eat. Bring in the wisdom. Sit outside and ask not, “Which way do I turn,” but ask, “What is it that will help me to be in harmony with the Divine.”

Perhaps the answer is not anywhere in your mind. I tell you child, I tell you from my heart, that being in flow with Divine creativity is an adventure. If you try to keep moving in a direction that you have ascertained would be advantageous or best for you, is most likely not. But if you ask each day for the wind to tell you the direction you should go; if you ask each day for your heart to lead you; you will be taken care of, nourished. And you will thrive. Bless you and may your heart always be open to the wonders that each day brings.

Monday, October 25, 2010

In Serenity All is Forgiven

"I have a habit of getting my knickers in a knot about failing or goofing up. I was feeling done in one day and they gave us this wonderful message!"

Look to what you did before you fell from grace, and ask for strength to carry on a little longer, to stretch the time between bad decisions. Recognize what you learned, and above all let go of miss-steps. No one is without sin in this matter. We all miss-step. The real sin is holding on to the pain of the mistake. Let it go. A mistake was made. We are fallible. Try harder next time. Do not freeze in time and space. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes help you to grow. Fill yourself with love. Be serene. In serenity all is forgiven.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Wisdom Center

"This teaching came from a powerful source of light and we have recorded it exactly as it was stated."

Humans have been built with the desire to do. If you did not have this desire to do, you would not learn. If you did not learn, you would not discover love. And you would not forever be moving towards an understanding of the total love of my Father. So we understand your desire to stop the pain that you see. To stop what you perceive as the craziness of this earth. And yes, you can do something. You can send prayer. You can with all your heart, surround those in conflict with wisdom, because it is wisdom that allows you
to learn. It is learning that allows you to love. Do not send peace because peace takes away the lesson. Touch the forehead and what you call the third eye, and say, “I activate with all my heart, your wisdom center.” You can do it to your grandchildren, you can do it to your beloved companion, you can do it to yourself. You can do it to anyone. You can do it to all animals. You do not have to touch people physically with your hand. You can touch them with your mind. You have so much ability to see each other. You can look at television and movies that gives you a representation. When you do healings, you will often do surrogate healings where one person embodies the energy of another. You can use the images as surrogates to send the energy to the real people. You can use images in magazines to send the energy. You can send the energy to your world leaders. This sending of the wisdom energy is one of the most important tasks that’s ever been given to any person who has helped in bringing us closer to the Divine. This is my gift to you.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Flower of Peace

"We are often angry and feel the world is unjust. The angels have a balm for our souls!"

I give each of you a flower. Close your eyes and picture the most beautiful flower that your mind can imagine. This flower is my gift of peace. Not world peace. But, inner peace. When you are buffeted by turmoil; when it feels as if there is too much to do; when the anger rises out of you and you want to over throw governments; punish those who do wrong; when you wish to change the world and that feeling rises up inside of you so strong; think of the flower and take a breath and it will help center you. Say these words, “I’m a child of the Divine. As such, I embody the purest love in the universe. Let that love come forward.” And it will.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Healing Energy

"Archangel Jophiel told us about this special energy when we asked how he was able to maintain his optimism."

It is an energy that we angels use to sustain us, to help us. You too can receive it at night or in the day. You just need to ask. It is the ultra-orange energy of creation. It is the beginning and the end. It is the all that is. It is there for each individual, for each animal. Call it by name; you call it on your planet the Holy Spirit. Each of your nations calls it differently. But it is there for you. Your heart will tell you the name it has for you. But it is alright to just move your arms away from your body and tilt your face towards the sky and say, “I call on the healing energy to sooth every part of my being all the way back to the beginning of time and all the way forward to my merging with creation. Thank you.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"What does the future hold for me? What am I to do?"

“I am loved,” is the key. Put your hand on your heart. Say, “I am loved.” Know it. Feel it. Breathe it. And your heart will speak to you about your destiny.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Practice of Peace

"We asked how to be peacefuland this is the answer we were given!"

When you put a flower on your table or altar you open up different realms. Flowers often act as portals between dimensions. Their beauty and the intense life force that they carry, the potential of a seed is much like the beauty you see in a pregnant woman. Having a flower on your table or altar and allowing yourself to vibrate with its energy is one of the best ways to begin and end the day.

It does not require worry about how to be with the flower. It just requires sitting quietly, stilling your mind and concentrating on your breath. Sit, in this way, breathing with the flower quietly for a small amount of time, twenty minutes, half an hour, maybe ten minutes. You must struggle to incorporate this practice into your daily schedule so that your actual physical body gets used to yearning for the peace that the practice brings.

Your spiritual practice will soon be taking place every second of every day, without thought.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spiritual Practices, "The Golden Orb"

"We are not alone. The beautiful spirits, angels and helpers will not let you drown in a sea of despair!"

Imagine a beautiful golden, glowing ball in front of you. If you hold it on top of your head, it will melt through your head and down your throat and into your body. Each energy center that it touches it will activate, cleanse, change. And then birth it back out again. Hold it in your hands and put it away until the next time. It is the gift of supreme healing. Each of you always has a golden orb. Each of you, when you are incarnated are given this tool for healing. You can also use it for others. Use it often.

Monday, October 18, 2010


“The practice of love and the daily sharing of love is the only commandment you need in order to embrace the Divine.”

Please understand, God, the Divine you speak of, has given us no other law except that of love. And anything that is contrary to love comes from the mind of man. I know this will be unpopular. But I also know that you know the truth of it. There is one commandment. There is one tenet. There is one belief. There is one way to find salvation. And that is to love. And the practice of love and the daily sharing of love is the only commandment you need in order to embrace the Divine. All else is irrelevant.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Child’s Prayer

"We are all children of God!"

Shine down your light upon me.
Shine it down on my mother and my father,
On all those from whom I came,
As well as all those who will come into my life.
And dear God, shine the light in my heart
So I never become lost. Amen.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Earth Changes

"Change is inevitable but it can be a sweet breath as well as a storm."

Help us. Help us to navigate the changes that happen to our mother. Help us to send harmonic energy into the universe so that her changes are gradual and easy instead of cataclysmic.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Prayer of Responsibility

"We do indeed create our own reality. What do you want the world your children inherit to look like"?

“Mother Earth, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I was greedy. I wanted to go from here to there and not pay a price. I wanted to have heat and didn’t want to pay for research that would bring me affordable heat. I thought your resources were never ending. I thought, when the oil is gone, it won’t be my problem. In my lifetime I will not have this lack. And when I die, I will forget it and not care.

Please forgive me. I love you, and I am willing to take responsibility. I am willing to do anything that I can to rectify this problem within myself. I thank you in advance for accepting my apology.”

“If each individual on earth could say this prayer with sincerity, the world would change, would it not. The problem of ecology does not lie with big corporations. The problem is in your own house; a problem in your life, your small life. What if instead of judging, you were to say, “For any part I play in this situation, please forgive me. I’m so sorry because I yearn for harmony as much as I’m sure you do. Thank you.”

It is my hope that you can understand this. Not with your mind, but with your heart. Because in understanding this you cross over into wisdom, compassion, love, and joy and laughter, and the song of the flowers and their sweet smell will touch your heart because there will be no barriers.”

The Huna Prayer for Healing: “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun, Earth, Moon

"When we share our love with the Earth the Sun and the Moon we sing a song that harmonizes with the Universe."

I love you Father Sun. I love you Mother Earth. I send, to you both, my heartfelt hope for harmony. I surround myself with your love, with light, and joy. And I send it back to both of you two fold. And Grandmother Moon, I love you too, and the surrounding planets and stars. I surround all of you with my love. Thank you for holding the universe for me.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Archangel’s Prayer

Archangel Josephiel is with us always.

I, Archangel Jophiel, pray for wisdom, for strength for myself and for you. I pray that each of us hears what our hearts desire, hears what is next in line for us on our journey. I pray that we all discover our soul path and become part of the harmony of the universe.

“As you say this, I will say it with you.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

People of Different Religions

We are all brothers and sisters in the vastness of creation.

Together we breathe as one; blowing our breath into the universe; moving our breath around the world together; and on our breath the smell of lotus flowers. Amen.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Change the World

“A simple prayer, to be said by a few people, can change the world.”
Father, Mother, Son, the All That Is and ever will be, we ask you to restore balance to our hearts. We ask you to restore balance to our souls. We yearn to reach out our arms to you, to embrace you, and to be forever in the vibration of love with each other and with the Divine. Amen.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Morning Sun

When one starts the day with humility....wishes are granted!

Good morning sun. Good morning soul of sun. My soul reaches out to you. I am in harmony with your vibration. Thank you. Thank you for being in my world. If there is anything I can do for you sun, just let me know. I so small, so tiny in your galaxy, in your solar system. But I have a heart like a lion and a soul as big as yours. We are one, you and I sun. I love you. Thank you. Amen.

Mother Help Me

The Goddess is always there for her children whether you call her Shiva or Blessed Mother she is the source!

“You need only to put out your hand and say,”

Mother help me. Mother, take away my pain. Show me the correct way. Give me strength.

“And I will be there for you.”

Saturday, October 9, 2010

See the Purity of Soul

When someone 'sees' your pure soul you are exposed as a child of God!

My sister, my brother, I hold you in my heart as new babes. I can see through all the karma you’ve collected, through all your lifetimes, the purity of your soul. And in seeing the purity of your soul, I heal you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Still Yourself

"We were afraid of 2012 and we were told to fear only ourselves."

You need to be fearful of your own ignorance. You need to be fearful of your own behavior. When you fall into despair, you fall out of the light. When you engage in what you call, “co-dependency”, you become so engaged in your looping thoughts that you no longer hear the messages of the angels. You no longer listen to the wisdom that’s available to you. To fix this problem try for one hour a day to still yourself. Be peaceful with yourself. Still yourself with prayer. Still yourself by concentrating on one thing, concentrate on the love of the Divine Mother, on the heavenly music that’s in the universe. If you devote just that one hour or even one minute a day to that endeavor, all good things in the universe will open up to you.

Open the Doorway

"We do not need to dream of doing great things, we just need to do one small thing a day and great things will happen!"

When you are still, just contemplate your heart energy. The door, that for you has been closed, will open. It all begins with just simply contemplating your heart. Move into that heart realm, ask that it be illuminated, and ask that it blossom. Ask to find the core. It takes courage and dedication. A practice that is simple to do, but difficult to stick with when your mind is addicted to action.

The benefits include long life and better health for you. There is also a benefit for your loved ones. They too will begin to heal, as will your animals, the wild life around you, and the people in your neighborhood. Make this simple work a priority and you will make your world a better place!

Bless the Water

"Water is life. Let us not forget this fact."

Let light go out into the world; to every drop of water, every molecule of the oceans, the lakes, the reservoirs, the creeks, the glaciers, water which is polluted, as well as the water which is clean. Every molecular of water on the planet, we bless it now. We bless it forever. We also bless all the water that is in our bodies and bring the light into it.

Veronica's Prayer

"Veronica is a beautiful soul who feels the energy of the world. Here is her answer to the darkness that often engulfs us."

“Did you know sometimes there is dark energy? It’s hard to explain. But it is as if beings, people, animals who have been injured or hurt, they have a storm around them that follows them even onto the other side.”
“Is there a prayer we can use to get rid of the storm?”
“Oh yes. There is one that I say all the time.”

Dearest angel, part the curtain of darkness and allow your light to shine through. Have your light penetrate every corner of my universe. And when it does, help it to be so strong that it chases away despair, worry, anxiety, fear. Help it to be so strong that nothing that is harmful can stand in its path. Thank you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oneness Blessings Come in Many Forms

‎This is a really beautiful prayer from our brother Crazy Horse.

"I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one." - Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux Chief

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To be Free

We are blessed by the many Native American spirits that came to advise us. Their prayers have greatly inspired us.

Aho Great Spirit. I hold my sister and my brother and my mother the earth in my hand like a bird. I hold my hand in the air and allow the loved ones that I hold to fly. Aho.

“If you say this prayer often in your heart you will free the world and those you love from upcoming pain. Do this as much as you can, as much as you can.”

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You are Never Lost

Do not be afraid to embrace the child within!

Please oh Divine Creator, help me to keep my heart open and to welcome in the Divine Child. Help me to hold that child, to love that child, to nurture that child. Help me to know myself. Amen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Heart is Open

Some of the most profound prayers are extremely simple. When you surrender miracles happen!

Lord, my heart is open.
My self is an open book.
Take from me anything that does not serve me
And replace it with wisdom and light. Amen.

(To be said once every morning upon awakening, then midday, and evening just before retiring.)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dearest Jesus

Jesus is an ever present influence for good in all of our lives, this is a prayer that can bring him closer to your heart.

Dearest Jesus, I breathe in your name. Dearest Jesus, I pray that each creature on earth feels this beautiful connection. Dearest Jesus, open my eyes so that I can see those around me. And if they suffer, help me to reach out my hand. And if they be joyful, help me to celebrate with them. Dearest Jesus, if they are lost, allow me to show them the way. And dearest Jesus, if they are with you, allow me to be with them in your presence. Amen.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ask for the Angels’ Help

They are around us always, you need just ask for their assistance and the Angels are there for you!

Dearest Angels,

Help me to move closer and closer to God today. And as I’m doing that, allow me to help others if that is what is supposed to happen. Amen.

“This creates a harmonic wave of all those who are being enlightened. As they move forward, the very movement causes a slip stream into which souls fall, and they too begin to move and despair falls from their shoulders. It is a difficult concept as you are ruled by ego and wish to know what is it that I am to do. What about me? What is it that I am supposed to bring forward in this world? You are supposed to take care of yourself. You are supposed to honor the Divine by moving ever towards the Divine. And in that, all things will unfold.”

Friday, September 17, 2010

For My Life

When you are down in the dumps, just remember to be thankful for your life!

Fill my heart with hope. Fill my belly with wonder. Fill my mind with love. Let my feet walk a path that leads me to my neighbor. And let me reach out to my neighbor and ignite in them the same passion for love that you ignite in me. Amen.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

To Give the Gift of Love

To Give the Gift of Love

The entities response to all of our deep questions was simply......

“You dear child, simply say a prayer. I will tell you the prayer.”

I surround you with love and light and throw open the door to the Divine that you may feel God’s love; and I fill the space around you with peace.

For (this city, this friend, this person, this institution) I surround you with love and light and throw open the door to the Divine that you may know God’s love; and I fill the space around you with peace.

I surround New Delhi with love and light, and I throw open the door that blocks their knowledge of Divine love, so that they can be aware of the majesty of the Divine and the perfection of all that is.

I surround Paris with love and light and throw open the door so that they may experience Divine love which is ever present and has been blocked by their thought forms.

For all of your wonderful dogs and animals, I surround them with love and light, and I throw open the door so that they can be aware of the total never ending love of God.

For South America, I surround them with love and light, and throw open the door so they can feel for themselves the ever present love of the Divine.

For all those people in the United States who are so in fear, I surround them with love and light and throw open the door so they can see the perfection and never ending flow of God’s love.

For those people in Haiti who have been so battered, I surround them with love and light and throw open the door so they can see that they are loved and God’s love is constant has never been withdrawn from them even for a second. And feeling this energy they will be able to rebuild and change their lives.

For the people of New Orleans, I surround them with love and light and throw open the door so that once again they can have the knowledge of what a jewel they are, so once again laughter and song can fill their streets.

For Rome, we surround them with love and light and open the door so they will know the truth of God. So they will know all is one and Divine love touches each and every creature in the universe, so they will have that knowledge and they will proceed with that wisdom.

For Jerusalem, the home of so many beings here, we surround them with love and light and open the doorway so that the light of the Divine will once again be known by them because it has never left them not for a moment, and the scales will fall from their eyes and they to will know that they are loved.

For Mecca and for Mohammad, we surround them with love and light and we open the door, the same door that opened so many hundreds of years ago, and we let that light flow in again pure, pure as always to touch the hearts of all who live there.

And for all the people who celebrate holidays, who yearn for God, we surround them with love and light and open the doorway so that they will know the God they yearn for, so they will know the perfection.

“Do this. Do this for just minutes a day. Keep a list. You can do this for individuals, for countries, for entire planets. It only takes that simple prayer – I surround you with love and light and I throw open the door. You can change the world.”
“And we thank you because you are the door keepers. We are unable to do this. You are gifted with that grace.”

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dear One Simply Say a Prayer

Dedicated to Mother Earth

Thank you to the beloved spirits who shared these prayers. It is with the utmost love, gratitude, respect, and humility that I share them with you.

Their steadfastness and love make this work possible. They are:
Mother Mary, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael Archangel Raphael, Archangel Josephiel, Archangel Uriel, Ashtar, Ezekiel, Saint Theresa, Mother Teresa, Jacinta, Chief Joseph, Quan Li, Veronica

In addition, three great masters have come. They have repeatedly
told us that they are all branches of the same tree and names and titles make no difference. Therefore it is my decision to let the prayers stand on their own. The spirits and I and my beloved channeling group are committed to bringing you these uplifting prayers and practices in the hope that they will change your lives as they have changed ours!

The Divine Circle
Love, inspiration, creativity, love inspiration, creativity, love inspiration, creativity. Lord, may it hum in the background of my day. Imagine a white light around you pouring down from the sky. Now, love ignites inspiration, inspiration ignites creativity, and creativity brings love. Saying this several times a day will allow harmonics to play through you. There will be abundance heretofore unseen. It is very, very important.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blessing/Healing via @constantcontact

Give yourself or a loved one the gift of healing. Click below to find out how!!

Blessing/Healing via @constantcontact

5$ Tuesdays via @constantcontact

Wow check this out! We are also doing $5.00 teleconferences beginning Sunday, August 15 from 4 to 5:30!

5$ Tuesdays via @constantcontact

Friday, August 6, 2010


Time to connect with friends, loved ones, neighbors. Connection is what is going to make life worth living. So how do you make friends and connect? Well a good start is to plan on giving someone that you know a simple phone call. Just one a day and at the end of the month you will have connected with thirty people. How easy is that?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The following information is very important for this weekend. We are hosting a Oneness Blessing Training to help facilitate this energy. Call us at 630-554-7713 for more information!

The preparations to facilitate the Conscious Convergence, July 17‐18, 2010 have now begun. Even if it will need the support and active collaboration of a large number of people the snowball has started rolling. Very possibly, this will become an event that influences the course of our civilization by setting the intention to manifest unity consciousness on a large scale with the ninth wave of the Maya calendars. I would then now like to share my own vision of the Conscious Convergence, and what it may accomplish, in an article that does not have too much technical detail.

Over the time period since the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, and maybe even earlier than that, an increasing number of people, and not just a few select mystics, have come to directly experience states of unity with all things and a purposeful direction in their own lives. Yet, although sometimes such experiences may have been enlightening or blissful, they have not come to alter the way our world at large operates. While this fact may not surprise us there is really no reason that this should be taken as a given. Such experiences, sometimes resulting from spiritual practices, have clearly been at odds with both the predominating materialist worldview and the one that sees the divine as something separate from ourselves. An increasing number of people have thus come to directly experience that some “energies” greater than themselves are working to provide guidance for them. In everyday parlance we talk about certain things having been “meant to happen” and other things “not meant to happen.” This direct experience of guiding energies is a relatively recent undercurrent of our civilization. It also intensifies as the frequency of shifts between calendrical energies increases as we approach the completion of the Mayan calendars. It is as if, through this frequency increase, the cosmic plan is now calling us to wake up and realize that we are here for a reason and that the universe has a plan. This ongoing awakening has generated a fairly widespread perception that the end of the Mayan calendars will bring a “shift in consciousness”.

Such experiences are of course made sense of in a multitude of different ways, sometimes in terms of divine intervention or astrology, depending on the individual. Yet, they always seem to imply that the universe has a higher purpose. The perception of such a purposeful direction may be the least common denominator for those that will chose to participate in the Conscious Convergence. On my own part I have come to understand what is “meant” and “not meant” to happen primarily from the broad perspective of the Mayan calendars, simply because of the vast body of scientific evidence showing that the energies these describe have been driving evolution in all of its aspects from the beginning of time.

In parallel with the increase in individual experiences of guidance there has also been a number of initiatives to organize meditations or other global spiritual events on special days that often focus on a positive cause such as peace. What I feel we need to realize however is that despite these experiences of individual or collective unity, those that embody them still remain largely fragmented. As yet, the intention to manifest unity consciousness has thus not been firmly anchored in our world. Someone who meditates is perceived as doing so as a private act and as part of his or her individual path. A meditation to heal the earth is seen as a basically uncommitted event of a day or two before things go back to “business as usual”. In society at large and its media it is relegated to a fringe phenomenon, despite the large number of people embracing it. I however feel that the Conscious Convergence will be, and has to be, a unique event that is something more than just another global meditation. It is about anchoring an intention to manifest unity consciousness on an ongoing basis.

The current fragmentation of both individuals and groups is a critical point. It is here I believe the Conscious Convergence will enter into the picture to give hope and visions for the future. Part of the reason that the intention towards unity consciousness has not been anchored in the consensus reality is that events may not have gathered a critical mass. I feel however that a more important factor has been that individual experiences and events have not always been perceived as steps in a cosmic time plan that has a clear direction towards unity consciousness. This absence of a context in time has probably had much more far reaching consequences than most people recognize. It has affected not only the role of those that have become awakened, but also a broad range of grass root movements focusing on progressive socioeconomic change. If such movements are unable to see how their aspirations are part of a cosmic time plan for the planet they too will be fragmented and their fruits often be temporary or incorporated in the already existing dualist civilization.

The fragmentation of the experiences of unity consciousness, and the absence of a collectively existing intention to manifest this, thus have consequences that go farther, much farther, than most people would tend to believe. It influences a very high number of organizations and projects that are potentially healthy to our planet because these, and the social movements they give rise to, exist without a context in time. All such movements that intend to manifest a world of unity consciousness may thus benefit from their participation in the Conscious Convergence exactly because this provides such a temporal framework. From this also follows an interest of the powers that be to suppress information about the Mayan calendar that may serve as inspiration and encouragement for those desiring a new course for our civilization.

The big media, including but not limited to Hollywood, have thus touted a distorted view of the Mayan calendar as simply a date in the future when something dramatic is supposed to happen. It is here almost irrelevant whether this change is seen as positive or negative, since such a view is so totally at odds with the Mayan calendar to begin with. The message of the media has thus been: “Do not take responsibility for co-creating the future! Just wait and see!” Nothing could be further from a Mayan perspective, and the truth, than an obsession with a singular date in the future, when something is supposed to just fall down on us from the sky. The Mayan calendar describes processes, processes that have been going on from the beginning of time and step by step have been lifting human beings to higher frames of consciousness. As part of this, humanity is now heading towards the initiation of a new process, the ninth wave, that is meant to take us to a place of unity consciousness where we have never been before. Hence, the solutions of the past are not particularly likely to be applicable and so we are now called to develop a new level of creativity.

The Mayan calendars have thus come to be perceived in a disempowering way, rather than as guiding tools for positive social and spiritual transformation. The reason for this is mainly that it is not generally known that there is not merely one, but in fact nine, calendars that are about to be completed. Each of these calendars describes a wave movement of evolution and it is the ninth of these that is designed to bring the unity consciousness that represents the current hope of mankind as it provides a necessary starting point for the birth of a new world. Yet, unless there is a conscious collective intention to affirm this ninth wave what is the likelihood that this will manifest? One might even ask whether without such an intention to manifest unity consciousness, anyone has reason to complain if it is not brought forth? To have this happen we need to align with this calendar in time, otherwise I believe we will lose our power to influence the course of events. The Conscious Convergence is thus set so that we will be able to prepare ourselves for the coming energies in advance and so be able to align with them. Unlike the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 that was a relatively spontaneous event, I, for one, believe that the Conscious Convergence in 2010, due to the current high speed of time, will need to be unified by a common intention in order to make a difference. As we approach the simultaneous manifestation of the nine waves there will be complicated overlappings of waves that may be difficult to surf without such a shared intention.

My vision for the Conscious Convergence is that it will be an event that helps people break out of the current constraints and fragmentation and facilitates for us to co‐create our future especially as now many of the established structures of society may be falling apart. With the impending unity consciousness many things that are not consistent with this are in fact becoming visible in the new light. An increasing number of people are losing faith in churches (Ireland and US), mosques (Iran) as well as bankers and politicians (all over), and so much of the previous functioning of the world may be overturned. It then becomes all the more important to establish an intention of manifesting unity consciousness as a basis for novel solutions. I however do not think that the Conscious Convergence is for those that contend themselves by pointing out and criticizing all the negative aspects of our current world and its system of rule. Rather it is for those that want to create a more positive intention, anchor this broadly and manifest it in the world.

An intention to manifest unity consciousness thus does not only serve to guide ourselves or our individual development, but here it also refers to the possibility that it may guide our civilization at large. Such a collectively shared intention held by a critical mass of people may start to live a life of its own and give a direction to a wide variety of projects. If this is to happen it is however critical that the intention is authentically held and not coming from a desire to look good in our own eyes, or in those of our friends, teachers or gurus. Only an intention authentically shared by a critical mass of sovereign individuals may play a positive role for co‐creating our future. Conscious Convergence then means that it is for people who are conscious of their intentions.

Unity consciousness does not mean conformism or that everyone is shaped in the same mold to think or look alike. Rather, unity consciousness will generate a world that is the very opposite to conformist. Because unity consciousness is about transcending the judgmental dualities and inherent dominance mentality generated by lower waves it allows for a much wider variety of viewpoints and life styles than previously. Thus, the Conscious Convergence refers to the coming together, convergence, of people from many different walks of life with very different backgrounds and viewpoints to express and experience a shared intention for the future.

The two initial days, July 17‐18, 2010, may be days for individual experiences of awakening as well as a collective expression of a new commitment to climb to the highest level of the Mayan calendar and co-­‐create a world truly based on peace. I for one however do not believe that the continued climb will be easy and no one knows exactly how long time it will take until the new world based on this new consciousness stabilizes. Yet, I also know that it is only through a shared intention aligned with the cosmic plan that there is any reasonable hope for a future. The Conscious Convergence is thus also about retrieving the Mayan calendar to its rightful place as a guide on the common path towards a world based on unity consciousness. In a time of dramatic change it becomes all the more important to have a firmly anchored intention to relate to as we approach the full completion of all nine calendars. I believe that only such an intention, existing on the level of our civilization, may serve to give us guidance in a time when the old social structures will very possibly disintegrate. The Hopi prophecy for instance urges us to gather ourselves and be good to each other. They warn that the time of the lone wolf is over. We can only survive if we cooperate on achieving common goals. This is obvious to any faithful Christian as well.

Many people realize that there will be a need to recreate our civilization in the time ahead and if nothing else a series of natural disasters have told people that this may now have reached a dead end. To get out of this dead end, many are suggesting profound changes of our current economic and social system in order for humanity to survive into a better world. This points to the Conscious Convergence also as an event for networking in a very broad sense. If the Conscious Convergence can gather people that are seeking this new direction and experience that they have the energies of the cosmic plan on their back then I would say that my vision of this event will have been fulfilled. It is however also part of my vision that millions will share their own visions based on this common intention of manifesting unity consciousness. The preparations for the ninth wave would allow many positive aspirations to be anchored in a purposeful process. When millions are taking the stand that there is a higher purpose to this planet than just to end in a series of disasters then I believe providence will move. When millions are showing each other that they too see a higher purpose to life, and intend to manifest it together, then a significant step towards the fulfillment of the cosmic plan will have been taken.

Carl Johan Calleman, 5 Jaguar.
Stockholm, March 27, 2010, 5 Ahau

The temporary web site for the Conscious Convergence is:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Book

I found a book I know you're going to love. There is such a resurgence in spirituality that this book will touch many people. It's The Way by Catherine MacDonald. It's spiritual fiction with a powerful message. The Way follows the lives of three women. All are at a crucial crossroads of their lives. All three women are approached by a woman named Christina Applegate who invites them to a retreat of sorts. It is here that these three women will regain their strength, find themselves, and learn about a method of mindfully managing one’s precious energy resources. Catherine MacDonald writes about vibrant, brave, strong, and hardy women. Growing up in Sacramento, California her library card was her passport, and the books she read were her adventures. Buy the book today and download more than 85 free bonus gifts!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pay to Pray

For the past year I have been very involved with the Lakota Indians. I love the purity of the ceremonies and the honest spirituality. However, it comes up again and again that when we ask for donations when there is a ceremony we are asking people to pay to pray! We have discussed this around the kitchen table late into the night. For those of us who sponsor ceremonies it can be a really harsh burden as the whole cost of a ceremony can fall on our shoulders. This can run from $200 all the way to $2000 depending on who is coming in, how far away they are coming from, who they are bringing, what they need to make the ceremony work and how long they are staying. We sponsors have been falling deeper and deeper into debt and the because of the times, the money we used to donate without thinking twice has dried up! And then there is the question of should we have assumed the burden in the first place?

The answer came to the women as we sat and chatted after a ceremony. A ceremony is done for the community. We are attached to each other in mind and spirit. When a member of the community is sick or has family problems we all have problems. When they are well and happy we all share in the joy. So ceremony is a way for all of us to stay in harmony and the cost of ceremony is the cost of community. This does not mean that you meed to come up with a hefty donation each time you attend a ceremony but it does mean you need to be a part of the community. It is the community's job to do things to raise money throughout the year. Even a person from the most humble of circumstances can help to cook, stack firewood, or bake cookies for a bake sale. The community fund is ongoing and is used to pay for ceremonies throughout the year. Any monies collected at a ceremony go right to the fund. This way there is no "pay to pray" and if the fund is dry and you want a ceremony it is up to you or your family to provide the necessary monies.

The most important thing, and the thing that I have been hearing from the spirits and angels is that we absolutely must come together in community in order to evolve spiritually!

Friday, July 2, 2010


I learned somthing from my native American friends that I find very intriguing. Everything that they do, every ceremony, every prayer, every gathering has an intent.

Intent pre supposes action. The shadow side of spirituality and intuition is being so fascinated by the information you receive that we never act on it. If we gather or pray with intent we dishonor the gods if we do not act. The intent unites us with with the divine in a cocreative experience and spirals the energy of our prayer to new levels!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Joy is a Great Tool

If you can connect to a moment of joy that you felt all the way down to your toes, that joy will open doors to unbelievable multidimensional thinking, intuition and grace.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don.t be Afraid of Your Anger.

You would not notice if God came to you with a message that would make everything in your life clear if you are filled with anger! Anger is good for you. It can move you out of a rut, help you to correct social injustice. and give you emotional release. But. anger supressed can become a tidal wave that blocks you from joy and connection. A good friend Kristan Panek has studied anger and reccommends that when anger comes up. we just sit for a moment with the "feeling" of the anger. The key is to not think! You have to just feel. Hold the feelings and in a suprisingly short time the anger will just disapate and you will find that you have insight and conpassion around the situation and that the fear which is always present underneath has disappeared!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Oneness Blessing

I have taught intuition and spirituality for years. I have developed techniques for opening the heart, mind and spirit but nothing I have done equals the power of "The Oneness Blessing". Receiving this wonderful energy was like standing in the sacred waterfall in Brazil. It was as if all of the grit that I had picked up in the last couple of years was washed away and I was as connected to spirit as when I was a child. Yolanda Lozano and Chris Panek did an amazing job of bestowing the blessing and Yolanda complemented it all with a crystal bowl concert that was beyond words. Yolanda will be back at the Angel Center July 10 and will do a concert as well as a blessing. If you are dedicated to embracing your intuition do not miss this opportunity!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

You are what you eat!

You are indeed what you eat. To be intuitive you need to create a special diet for those times when you are going to go deeply into your intuitive space. What is it that you eat that makes you feel light and good. For me it's fruit juice, salads and sparkling water. When I am working as an intuitive I try to stay with those light foods so that I can be in flow. At other times I am normal so please do not think you need to deprive yourself!! One last caution. You can not drink alcohol and expect intuition to flow. It has a depressing effect on insight and you will not get the results you desire!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Use Intuition Everyday

I was just recently in downtown Chicago and finding parking was a real issue (Go Blackhawks!). Garage after garage was full and I was getting frustrated and tired! Then I remembered my parking tool. Take a deep breath and when you get to a corner ask to be told if you should go right or left (you have to have faith here but it always works). Keep your eyes open and after one or two turns your angels will take care of the problem!

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesdays IntuitionTtip

Can't sleep? Use it to your advantage. Keep a piece of plain white paper by your bed. Turn the light on and just stare at the paper, imagine that you are falling into the whiteness. Let yourself move into the dream state and note what you see. Take a minute and write it down. In the morning check out what you wrote. You will be amazed at the insights that you can get late at night!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Intuitive Partnerships

Today my channeling group met. We work with spirits across time and space to discover ways dthat we canb achieve harmony.

The spirit utoday was an ancient greek by the name of Galen. He told us that no matter what therapy you may be utilizing to help you find your perfect health it is necessary to visulize that therapy returning you to your most perfect harmonious strate.

Imagine a perfect rose strobing with energy, then imagine that you are that rose. Holkd the thought for 2 to 5 minutes. Perfect!!

Intuitive tip for Tuesday

Plants can be our intuitive allies. If you want to increase your intuition you need to be in an environment that is condusive to clear thought reception. Toxins not only affect our bodies but our minds and spirit as well.

Here is a simple solution. The lowly mother-in-law plant is one of natures miracles. It can cleanse great quantities of toxins from the air and create an envirinment suitable for unfettered intuition! Two large plkants in your special place can clear your mind and provide the dedlicate harmony necessary to receive helpful intuitive information!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Intuition tip for Sunday

Intuition is like a special friend. When you have your friend over you make a pan of brownies, brew some iced tea and look forward to a pleasant conversation. It's the same for getting in touch with your intuition. Put a flower in a vase, play some music take a breath and invite your intuition to share the moment with you.

Don't press yourself to have thoughts, solutions, answers. Just breath and let your friend share the energy of the moment. It may take some patience but your intuiion and you can become best of friends with the sharing coming easily and naturally!

Monday's tip, collecting information for someone else.

Monday, April 5, 2010


There is something mystical about watching the first rain on Spring turn everything green. Life is bursting forth all around me! - Vizibility Features - Vizibility Features

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today's channeling was amazing! Click here to listen!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Do you ever feel just a little crazy? Today I swear that I can feel Spring stiring in the earth. I don't care what the weather is, I know that Spring is right around the corner!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Alien Dreaming

Dreams are the stuff of life. I love to dream! In dreams I can travel to distant places, work with amazing teachers and learn about myself and the people around me. But even I have strange dreams. Dreams of late have been about grey skinned, tall, beautiful aliens who are begging for my help. They want me to tell people that they are here to help us heal, to teach us, and to share their culture and technology. They are certain that their message will be corrupted by our governments so they want to speak to regular people before they are constrained by the powers that be. The dream is so real that I often awake with my hand stretched out in a gesture of sympathy. Is this my mind creating a metaphor or is it a communication??