
Friday, July 15, 2011

John of God in Brazil

Dear Readers, I need your help! Please read the attached blog and send me your thoughts then pass on the link. The material is controversial and emotionally charged so get yourself a cup of tea, take a calming breath and get ready for the ride!

The material you will be reading is about John of God in Brazil. As many of you know I have been a tour guide to the Casa (John of God's healing place) for many years and have had numerous life changing experiences at the Casa. Here is my take on the material...

Is Joao (John)highly charged sexually? Yes. Has he taken advantage of his position as a healer to seduce women and girls into allowing him to take sexual liberties? Yes.
Healing and sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same. It takes great personal strength for a healer to use one and put the other aside. Even good, kind people can be corrupted by the strength of this energy. It is up to you as a spiritual explorer to develop the life skills to not lose yourself in the energy of a healer and to protect teach those who do not have those skills!

Is the Casa an instrument of financial gain for Joao? No
I know for a fact that Joao does not care about the money the Casa brings in outside of the enormous cost of running such a large enterprise. Once as a tour guide, I handed him $10,000 cash (donations from a large tour) and 5 minutes later I saw a ragged nun leave his office, tears streaming down her face, with the whole wad of cash!

Are there any "safe" "holy" places in the world? No
You are only as safe as your own poise and discretion can allow.

Is the healing at the Casa a fraud? No
The Casa is a hospital that turns no one away! Thieves, con artists, perverts, the mentally ill, delusional people, stubborn people, egotistical people and people with all physical illness are treated. Everything is real, nothing is real. God is so loving he allows us the freedom to explore ourselves and our world in any fashion we choose, and always there is the opportunity to heal!

What would I wish for...
I wish for every person in the world to have an adventure, a pilgrimage, a sacred journey. I wish that people would be strong, know themselves, stay in their bodies and make wise choices about their journeys. I wish that people would have the courage to tell the truth to each other and their children without embroidering it with emotional detail. I wish for all people to draw wisdom from experience rather then expression. I wish for people to not abdicate their human rights for the illusion of safety. I wish for people to be so wise that they can experience life without the need for laws or government.

Read the attached and share your thoughts, you are valued!!


  1. "Is Joao (John)highly charged sexually? Yes. Has he taken advantage of his position as a healer to seduce women and girls into allowing him to take sexual liberties? Yes.
    Healing and sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same. It takes great personal strength for a healer to use one and put the other aside. Even good, kind people can be corrupted by the strength of this energy. It is up to you as a spiritual explorer to develop the life skills to not lose yourself in the energy of a healer and to protect teach those who do not have those skills!"

    Are you suggesting then, that when somebody goes to a spiritual healer that person must not 'allow' the spiritual healer; in this case John of God, to sexually abuse them?

    Are you saying that as a medium he is perhaps excused, and that those seeking his help should be grateful for all that he does, despite the occasional molestation?

    Because, people that go to a faith healer go and put their faith in that healer! As a vulnerable, sick person you will grasp at almost anything. You will put all your faith, all your trust into a person - especially when that person uses the name of 'God' because you believe that this person who heals is inherently 'good' and 'pure' and has no deviant side to them.

    The way I see this is, John of God in an uneducated man, living in a poor country with moral standards that are perhaps different to our own. Sexuality and sex is perceived differently in every culture, sometimes more radically in one than in another.

    Of course, John of God's ideologies are different - he is Brazilian, how could he not be a product of his environment and nurture? That is what we all are.

    John of God can no more understand English custom anymore than we understand Brazilian, save that most of us have been educated.

    So, we put an uneducated man in a position of great power, we hold him in such high regard that he becomes almost untouchable. He feels incredibly superior in his abilities - not his own, I realise - it is the 'entities' that have made him the 'chosen one'.The 'entities' are responsible for all he does - not him, of course. Imagine how that feels?
    You have people flocking in their thousands to see you, a whole community has been built around you, you are, 'John of God".

    Imagine being that person! Adored and worshipped... you can do anything.

    Faith healing comes from inside YOU, from learning about yourself, from letting go of pain and trauma, from forgiveness, from acceptance. Faith healing is not from going to see somebody else!

    So, from your blog, I see that if one goes to see John of God, one must both keep their wits about them in order not to be molested, and at the same time place absolute trust in him. Not possible.

  2. Dear Amy and Anne, you are wise to reach out to the awareness of others about these disharmonies. Many women have related to me their 'troubles' dealing with the lasting emotional harm and pain caused by sexual abuse in Abadiania. Just because these young women are at a point in their life when they are spiritually and emotionally weak and unstable and wish holy treatment.... When they are over trusting, naïve and willing to believe..when they are in unguarded states and come all the way to John of God for help..IS NO reason or right to be taken advantage of and sexually misused!!!
    These women should be treated with extra care befitting the sick. They should be treated like daughters and mothers, not prostitutes, trading their virtue for John of God( and many other men at the casa) perverted sexual needs. This awful practice releases dark energies inside these women which will cause further corruption and spread outward like a cancer to infect others. Hopefully, in time the Casa guides, mediums and friends of Casa can make and enforce changes to their now useless 'protocols' to stop this abuse
    lakisha johnson

  3. Wow Amy. I am going down there next week. Not as a desperate person looking for a "healing" or a person idolizing John of God, but a woman on a spiritual retreat. I never took into account "sexual abuse" or anything of that nature. But today, my boss spoke to me about it and that she had read on the internet about it. So I did some research and found many many women who say they were molested. Although I understand the symbiotic relationship between sexual energy and healing energy, why is sexual abuse allowed and pushed under the rug? I am going to get my crystal bed because I believe in the healing powers of the crystal bed as I received a healing on a JOG crystal bed. I am feeling disturbed right now about the journey I am about to embark on, but I guess the bottom line is that we are all human and we must place our faith in the power and presence of God within not in some person outside of ourselves. I am a healer and an intuitive myself, and I feel sadden by this abuse. I will be mindful on my journey and I thank you for being a beacon of light and I hope one day we will meet.

    Always love, Kathleen L. Dixon

    1. More on the Sexual energy at the Casa.. Married Mediums take advantage of misguided and naive young women. Calling it spiritual intervention ...

  4. Amy Biank

    When you say, "Healing and the sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same". Then are you saying that it's OK. To Joao Teiixeira de Faria to rape women. It is ashamed. That you say so! What a kind of healing is that?

  5. Örebro, 31 March 2014

    Comment done in This & That


    Only this week I have seen and read your article in This & That; about João Teixeira de Faria,
    known as John of God
    What you wrote. It is much more than that.

    I have been in Abadânia last February. Visiting
    Casa de Dom Inácio. I have experienced that all
    going on over there is the Biggest Fraud on Earth in modern Time.

    As I speak Portuguese, I could talk with ordinary people that live in the small town Abadânia.
    There I met a man called Isauro. He told me what is going on at the Casa.
    JoãoTeixeirae Faria besides raping young girls he gives also order to other to kill people.

    I said to him: “Why don’t you go to the authorities in the town and tell them what it is going on at the Casa”? He replied: “It’s no point. All are taking bribes to keep quite. Pousadas (small hotels) where people are dead don’t say nothing” And He finished saying: “Tudo é uma Pamela” (That means a Bug Mafia).

    Diane said in the article:

    …including this sexual violation, which in some countries is a crime, but obviously not in Brazil.

    In Brazil too it is by Law a Crime. Why the foreign women don’t denounce Him to the authorities in their own Countries I do not understand!

    About the Brazilians Women they don’t denounce Him because they are afraid to be killed. When the authorities in the town do nothing about it.
    In my point of view only an intervention of the Federal Authorities can help. Brasilia the Capital isn’t far away from Abadâania.

    I conclude saying: in the point of view from the Secular Life; João Teixeira de Faria is a Criminal and Murderer!

    In His Religious Activities. I say: He is the Beast that sits in an armchair playing God, cheating innocent people.

    João Cardoso
    Örebro - Sweden

  6. To

    Amy Bank

    About "Entidades".I was told they are 38 (a legion). They are not Entidades at all.
    I am so sorry for the nice and innocent people who believe that they are. They are only dirty demons that in habit the Earth. I known what I am talking about. I have been there at the Casa. I met
    “João de Deus” twice. I wanted to look in his eyes. But Teixeira de Faria turned away is head because He didn’t want to look in my eyes. The second time he was rude and did not answer my question.
    About the Holy Water. It is a real Bluff. I have been near the water source. It is just ordinary water! The medicine that costs 60 Reads. They are not medical herbs at all. But just a shell of maracuja an ordinary fruit that one can buy very cheap everywhere in Brazil.

    How many people that have died at The Pousadas. They do not say anything about it.

    If Amy Bank is real very curious what is going at the Casa?! Learn just a little more Portuguese and talk with the residents in Abadânia.

    João Cardoso
    Örebro - Sweden

  7. This "John of God" person channels demons. I guarantee you are picking up demons going to this servant of satan. Please don't be deceived by satan's devices. He is very crafty. The Lord God of the Bible condemns spirit channeling and warns you can be defiled by them. Please watch

  8. She is right. Sexual energy and energy are the same. Its possible to transform energy out of the body. Its possible to move energy to a woman. There is always energy between man and a woman. He may have dont wrong but its difficult to know because woman can be difficult too. Whatever the case, love more. Learn to make very good love. Its all about energy.

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