
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What You Want is Not Always What You Need!

On Friday, I prayed to the Angels to help me to make ends meet. On Sunday, my best client informed me that she was cutting down her coaching to once a month (from 4 X's a week!!) I had prayed carefully, visioning myself paying the bills with joy etc. So what was this setback? How could the Angels be so cruel to not only "not" hear my plea but take away what little I had? Even though I am skilled at maintaining my center, meditating and much more, I just lost it and spent the rest of Sunday and Monday in a real funk.

So Tuesday comes and life goes on...I decided to go through the bills and organize everything so at least I would be clear on what had to be done. Organizing was much more soothing then I had anticipated and my mood lifted and then, an angelic miracle, the phone began to ring. Customers from all over the world called with requests for appointments, goods and inqiries about clasess and services. They told me they had felt I was tired and had not wanted to bother me but somehow today I had come into their minds and they wanted to connect!

I had indeed "slept" in (no early client) and I was rested and full of life. The moral of this story seems to be that miracles do happen but they often need for other things (which might seem off track) to happen first! So from now on when dealing with the Angels I will keep an open mind and have faith that my prayers will be answered!

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